Vacuum chamber
After playing a bit with vacuum technologies and plasma I've found several problem on my setup. The base plate deform no is no longer flat after soldering. Also electrical connection which pass through the plat leak. Furthermore, the bell jar is in glass and don't really trust it, I think it can implode. A previous jar crack went I lower the pressure inside hopefully it didn't implode. But meanwhile I found this site. So I decide to reproduce his setup with some modification to solve sealing, imploding and leveling issue.
I first needed an empty gas bottle and I only had a half-full one. Given that propane or methane are flammable and also greenhouse gases, I've decide to burn it for security reason, I don't really want my neighborhood to explode. According to wiki, methane greenhouse effect is 70 time more important than CO2 one.
So I decide to make a gardening flame thrower with only a gardening hose and a copper tube. I don't use any security valve or backfire one. I thought that backfire need oxygen contamination to occur, so I simply use the bottle valve to give a sufficient flow of gas. I use it to kill hen lice a plague for hen-house.
Burning lice |
The bottle use with the mark line |
The gas smelling dark crust |
For the bottom plate I use a 5mm thick plate screw on pinewood plank, like this I hope to reduce heat deformation of the metal plate.
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